Technology in COVID Times

Por: Francisco Santos

That technology is here to stay, we professionals have known that for a long time. We are constantly fighting either at home to explain how we make a living or to a boss that something is wrong or that in the long run it should be done differently etc.

For those who work with programming, information security, databases and servers, the term HOME OFFICE is not new and has many years.

But when we said that the time would come when our work would tend to this type of work, many if not most said, "Imagine this is impossible", "Impossible", "Utopia" among other things.

Today, the years that I have been working in Home Office in Brazil, I feel the need to work in large and innovative companies that really impact or try to impact positively the lives of people.

If I learned one thing in this time is to use my lunch and coffee time with family, because the Home Office work seems to be simpler, but it is the opposite. There are countless aspects to think about beyond work. It's the spouse asking things as if we were not working, are children asking for help with schoolwork or with games and electronic games among other innumerable tasks that while we spend hours going to work and more 9 to 11 hours working and a few hours to return home, we did not have to deal with.

But the reason I value this is precisely because I could see my son's evolution in computers, and to see my daughter's first steps, which probably working outside I wouldn't have seen.

But what worries me in the midst of the pandemic is not working at home, but how will the companies will relate to this process and how will the professional who works at home be seen by the company?

Will the companies understand that we share our schedules with N things?

These are things that are here to stay, what we do from now on will determine how our society will transform all the suffering and the lives lost into better things and a higher quality of life.